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Benefits of a long term relationship in the Industry

Have you ever worked consistently with the same business over a long period of time? If not, you may not be familiar with the myriad benefits that come from building a long-term relationship with another company. These benefits come in many forms, many unique to the industry in question—and when it comes to welding and fabrication, these benefits add up in a big way. If you want to get better work with less waste, more consistency, and more options, it’s time to make a decision and stick with it. Here are just a few of the things cultivating a strong working relationship with a welder can offer:

1 ) Efficient communication

This is a simple benefit many underestimate, but it might be the most valuable on this list nonetheless: a long-term client doesn’t need as much communication to get results with their welding and fabricating team of choice. That means quicker responses, faster turnarounds, and more convenient scheduling. Little benefits which add up.

2 ) Streamlined planning and execution

Even on your second project with a fabricator or welder, there’s going to be a noticeable improvement in the planning and execution of that project—and that will only improve with each passing week, month, and year of the relationship. These improvements in efficiency add up to big gains on both ends, making each job increasingly efficient, profitable, and waste-free for both sides. Why force yourself to learn a new pipeline, new rules for communication, new names and addresses and phone numbers and emails on a regular basis?

3 ) Minimized errors

It’s quite simple: a company that understands what you’re doing and what you need won’t make errors with nearly the frequency of a company that you’ve never worked with, that has never had your feedback or heard your complaints or had to repair something that went awry for you.

4 ) Superior attention to detail

When looking at fabrication and welding, there are countless little details on any given project which can blow up to become a major headache, flaw, or point of waste. And unfortunately, no one can ever expect to maintain a 100% success rate in choosing the ideal approach, process, materials, weld, shield gas, etc., for their clients. What you can expect is for a long term relationship to nudge your welder ever closer to that ideal perfection, as they gain a firmer understanding of your projects, your expectations, your usage, your aesthetic needs, and every other detail that makes the difference between a good job and a great job.

5 ) Flexibility

A welder and fabricator familiar with your operations, and which you in turn are familiar with, will also be able to make the sorts of exceptions, adjustments, and adaptations necessary to optimize your projects without the missteps, misgivings, and communication errors you might see otherwise. Consistent business allows a fabricator to do more for you with less fuss, as they’ll know what they can expect from you as a client. A step too far for a fresh face might be a normal arrangement with a familiar one. That flexibility is invaluable for any company which needs regular steel fabrication or welding work done.


This is far from being an exhaustive list of the benefits you might see from a long-term relationship in the industry, but it should help you appreciate the overall potential of one. You should make sure you’re working with a professional, competent, capable team first and foremost—then stick with that team, until they’re as capable of meeting your individual needs as an in-house welding team would be. Once you have that, you’ll never want to work with fresh faces again.

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