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Swanton Welding – Manufacturing Marvels on Fox Business News


Video Transcript:
[This is John Criswell. Welcome to Manufacturing Marvels.]

[Swanton Welding and Machining Company was founded in 1956 by George Kern. Serving the farming communities, the company never realized what the future would hold for this one-man weld shop. Under the leadership of George’s son-in-law Norm Zeiter, this one-man shop became one of the best-equipped custom fabrication shops in the Midwest and Southeast.]

[Sparks fly everyday at Swanton Welding Company, and that’s always a good thing. The company operates three shops in Ohio and Georgia. Swanton specializes in heavy and structural fabrication and custom welding. Their handiwork is found in utilities, mining, energy, agriculture, transportation and the military. Advanced capabilities include laser cutting, automated beam line, rolling, forming, as well as CNC machining. Not all welds are alike, which is why in addition to robotic welding Swanton employs only certified welders who are experts at these very weld processes.]

[Swanton’s finishing group provides industrial paining, blasting and power tilting to finish the job. At Swanton no job is too big, and they mean big. Swanton has the space and the knowhow to create oversized custom and structural fabrications. They’ve built barges, towers, truck beds, conveyor systems and more.]

[Swanton, in the 21st century, has been defined by continuous growth and satisfied customers. See how Swanton Welding can bring things together for your company by visiting their website at That’s This is John Criswell for Manufacturing Marvels.]

Categories: Company Information