Structural Framework for Large Material Conveyor
You need us to build a large structural framework in Ohio and deliver in to North Carolina? No problem.
Swanton Welding Company was contracted by a large bulk materials handling and engineering company to construct the structural framework for a large bulk material conveyor to load ships for export. This large bulk material conveyor will have the capacity to load an amazing 2,200 metric tons of wood pellets per hour.
A Natural Fit for Swanton Welding
This type of project allows the facilities, equipment and the skilled team at Swanton Welding the ability to shine. The first step in the build was at Swanton Welding’s main facility in Swanton, Ohio where their Ficep Beam line is located. 115 tons of structural steel was cut and holes drilled. Then it was off to the heavy fabrication facility in Wauseon, Ohio where the framework was constructed. The structural framework was then sandblasted and painted with a three coat system for the finish.
A total of 2,800 man hours was devoted to this project.
Getting from Point A to Point B
The finished structural framework fabricated by Swanton Welding was transported from their Wauseon, Ohio facility to the Port of Wilmington, NC. As you could imagine, moving a structure of this size from Ohio to North Carolina required some logistical planning and closure of roads due to the size.