Vertical Clarifiers with Thickeners

These were vertical clarifier tanks used to separate certain materials from water.

Start Date


Completion Date



Pasadena, TX


All Carbon Steel, Structural Steel, Bar Grating, Heavy Plate

Fabrication Methods

Rolling, Forming, Beam Line, FCAW Welding, Shop Assembly & Test Fitting

Finishing Details

SP10 Blast, Caulk, Paint System Specifically for Submerged Materials


46’ Long x 30’ Wide x 27’ Tall


Filled with water it weighs roughly 616,000# total

Special Notes

We had to fully build and erect this in our parking lot. Then we had to completely fill it with about 60,000# gallons of water. The welds were fully inspected by Third Party Inspection and the paint was inspected and tested by a NACE Level II Paint Inspector.